Certificaciones de Caseware IDEA

Certificación ISO 27001:2013 para la plataforma de almacenamiento de archivos IDEA en la nube
El sistema de gestión de la seguridad de la información en CaseWare Cloud Ltd., aplicable a la prestación de servicios, operaciones y gestión de la plataforma de software como servicio en el entorno de la nube.
(The Information Security Management System at CaseWare Cloud Ltd., applicable to the service delivery, operations and management of Software as a Service Platform over the cloud environment.)
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Sistema de Gestión de Seguridad de Información
¿Qué es la ISO 27001:2013?


AICPA, the world’s largest member association representing the accounting profession, affirms that CaseWare Cloud ISMS meets the Trust Services Criteria for SOC 2®.

AICPA SOC 2® for Service Organizations are examination engagements performed by a service auditor. These reports focus on one or multiple Trust Services categories – security, availability, processing integrity, confidentiality, or privacy using predefined criteria.

CaseWare International has successfully obtained SOC 2 Type 1 and Type 2 certification.


Type 1

SOC 2 Type 1, a report on management’s description of the service organization’s system and the suitability of the design of the controls.

Type 2

SOC 2 Type 2, a report on management’s description of the service organization’s system and the suitability of the design and operating effectiveness of the controls.


*Our SOC 3 Report is available in PDF format here.